Below you will find answers to the most common questions we are asked about CASTOR - the manufacturers’ gateway for 3D printing. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.
1. What types of files does CASTOR support and are files uploaded as an assembly?
We want to help manufacturers save time and money by unlocking the benefits of industrial 3D printing.

Manufacturers can identify new opportunities
for using industrial 3D printing
It’s quick and simple! Just upload your CAD file and select the original material and CASTOR will:
Deliver unbiased feedback
on a part-by-part basis
Analyze and determine
3D printability of parts
Choose suitable
technology and material
Perform financial analysis
of 3D compared to traditional manufacturing ​
​The results can be used for optimizing your own internal printer OR you can connect to a suggested 3D service bureau.
Software screenshots

Using CASTOR, Stanley Engineered Fastening
implemented the first 3D printed metal part
cost reduction
lead time saving
8 weeks